Marine Hull & Cargo

Marine hull:-
This policy cover is against loss or damage to the hull, engines and accessories caused by perils of the sea, rivers, lakes or other navigable waters. It also covers loss by fire, theft, jettison, piracy, explosion, malicious acts, latent defects in hull or machinery and third party liabilities on injuries and property damage.

Marine cargo:-
This policy covers in respect of goods and/or merchandise in transit from one place to another by sea, air, rail, road or registered post. The cover provided is in respect of marine perils, war perils and strike, riot and civil commotion perils.

Aviation, Hull and Liability
An Aviation Personal Accident covers accidental bodily injury causing death or disability to the insured pilot, aircrew and other aircraft handlers. The benefits from this policy would include Accidental death, Permanent Total Disablement, Temporary Total Disablement and Medical Expenses.